Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much can I save by switching to solar?

    For a home solar user, the average monthly savings is $84. That equates to annual savings of almost $1,000. Your savings will only increase when utility costs rise by an average of 3-5% year.

    Your system's size, the quantity of sunshine your home receives, the kind of panels you select, and the local power tariffs will all have an impact on how much money you can save by switching to solar.

  • What are the benefits of switching to solar for home in El Paso?

    Residential solar power is becoming more and more common as El Paso homeowners aim to reduce their energy expenses and take advantage of state and federal solar incentives. By installing solar panels, you may generate clean, renewable energy for your home and lower your power expenditures.

  • Are solar panels on a house really worth it?

    You'll be happy to know that installing a solar panel system is a great method to experience great financial advantages and cost savings. We want to be sure, though, that solar panels are a good fit for you.

    A solar energy system might not be the most cost-effective option for people with modest energy requirements, cheap power, or bad weather all year round. Be at ease, though! Based on your scenario, our experts are ready to assist you in deciding if solar panels are the best option for you.

    We will work closely with you to find the best solution for your energy needs since we firmly believe that everyone should have access to clean and renewable energy. 

  • How do solar panels work for my home?

    Solar panels collect solar energy from the sun and convert it into useful power using an inverter. After that, you can use the power as if you had bought it from the utility company. Solar power is, however, both more cost-effective and sustainable.

  • Will I still receive an electric bill if I have solar panels?

    Great question! In the El Paso and Las Cruces market the power company requires a minimum charge of $30 each month from solar customers to maintain the power grid.  Depending on your home’s solar offset, if your property has adequate roof space for us to place enough solar panels on it, our goal is to fully eliminate your power cost with the exception of the minimum power company charge.

  • Do solar panels work in a blackout?

    If you have the new IQ8 inverters from Enphase, you can still power specific areas of your house even if the grid is down. During a blackout, you may also choose to power your home using batteries!

  • Can I go off-grid with solar panels?

    Yes! If you have whole-home batteries, you can live off the grid. Your current home usage will determine how many batteries you'll need. Ask your consultant for further details.

  • What happens if there is snow on solar panels?

    Snow that has fallen on solar panels melts away rapidly. Sunlight is drawn to the black solar panels because of their color. Snowy areas don't stop solar panels from working since they actually generate more electricity in colder climates!

  • Do my solar panels produce power when the sun isn’t shining?

    Regardless of whether it is bright or overcast, solar panels are designed to work and produce solar electricity. This is similar to how you might get a sunburn on a cloudy day; the solar panels will continue to produce power even on overcast days. You shouldn't anticipate achieving optimal production on a gloomy day, but your panels will still operate at around 50 to 70 percent of their capability.

  • Does hail damage solar panels?

    Did you know that solar panels can survive several types of weather, including hail and thunderstorms? Even with their durability, they are susceptible to damage from large hail, just like your car's windshield. But don't worry, you're insured by us! We use premium materials in the design of our solar panels to make sure they can withstand even the worst weather. Therefore, you may benefit from renewable energy's many advantages without having to worry. Contact us right away to find out more!

  • Do solar panels work in the rain?

    Did you know that even when the sun is partially obscured by clouds, solar panels may still produce electricity? It is real! The best aspect is that rain helps maintain the efficiency of solar panels by washing away any obtrusive dust or grime. So why not convert to solar energy right away and profit from sustainable energy all year long? Every step of the journey, our helpful staff are available to assist you!

  • How long do solar batteries last?

    Did you know that the lifespan of a home solar battery system is normally between five and fifteen years? Despite the fact that this can seem like a brief lifespan, it's crucial to remember that your solar power system can last up to 20–30 years! Therefore, if you choose to install a solar battery right now, you can be sure that you'll utilize it for many years before you ever need to consider replacing it. When the time does come to update, we'll be here to assist you in finding the ideal replacement so that your solar power system continues to function flawlessly for many years to come. Why then wait? Start taking advantage of solar power's many advantages right away!

  • How does solar impact my property values?

    Studies show that adding solar may greatly increase your home's value. You may anticipate receiving an extra $4,500 for every additional 1 kW of electricity supplied to your home through solar power. Your home's worth will dramatically increase as a result.

  • What is net metering?

    Homeowners can transfer excess power to and from the local utility grid for the same cost as its production with the use of a scheme known as net metering. For instance, if you send 1 kWh of energy to the grid, 1 kWh will be credited to your account for usage in the future.

  • How do I find out how much I pay for electricity?

    Most power providers offer an online dashboard where you may view your typical household use. You may always phone your electric provider, and they will be able to provide you with numbers from prior bills and help you figure out the average monthly cost of power.

  • What are the environmental benefits of solar energy?

    You may view your typical home use on the web dashboards provided by the majority of electricity suppliers. You may always phone your electric provider, and they can help you figure out the normal monthly amount spent on power by providing information from recent bills.

  • What are the financial benefits of solar energy?

    Federal and municipal subsidies are now driving the solar industry. Currently, the federal incentive makes up 26% of the overall cost of energy. There is often no down payment needed when looking into solar programs, and savings of between 20 and 30 percent off of your existing utility bill are normal. Make an immediate call for a free estimate!

  • How does the 30% solar tax credit work?

    A non-refundable credit equal to 30% of your solar project's gross system cost, the solar tax credit is available. This means that your tax credit would be $6,000 if the gross system cost was $20,000 ($20,000 x 30% = $6,000). However, this tax credit can only be applied if you have taxable income with taxes being paid in an amount greater than the tax credit. Check with your accountant to see how this tax credit works for you.

  • Why am I not getting my full solar tax credit?

    Are solar panels something you're thinking about adding to your house? good news You could be qualified for a solar tax credit, which might result in considerable tax savings for you. Just keep in mind that you must owe at least the same amount in taxes in order to obtain the entire amount of the credit. So, while determining your tax liabilities, be sure to take the tax credit into account if you want to maximize your savings. Don't pass up this fantastic chance to lower your carbon impact and save money on taxes. For more information on how solar panels may help you and your house, get in touch with us right away!

  • What proof do I need for the solar tax credit?

    Are you prepared to utilize the solar tax credit and significantly reduce your tax obligations this year? It's simple! Just be certain to include IRS Form 5695 with your tax return. We'll walk you through the procedure step-by-step, so don't worry.

    Simply complete Part I of the form to compute your credit, and there you have it! You'll soon start saving a lot of money. You only need to input the outcome on your 1040 once you've estimated your credit.

    Why then wait? Start utilizing your solar tax credit right away to enjoy the advantages of clean energy, a healthy world, and tax savings. We are here to make the procedure straightforward and stress-free.

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